Sunday, March 30, 2008
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Pickles: Transcript of the Insider Exclusive Segment on Kimkins
Elle did a great job transcribing the video on her blog Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Pickles: Transcript of the Insider Exclusive Segment on Kimkins check it out.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Kimmer losing control of Kimkins members

Looks like Kimmer needs a stronger mind control device cause those mind controlling rays she has been sending to several kimkinettes doesn't seen to be working. Several kimkineetes have left either because they refused to do Kimmers bidding and were banned or they finally realized Kimmer was just the human behind the curtain and not some all powerful weight loss genie who could magically vaporize their pounds with her nutritionally bankrupt plan.
If you are on the outside now please contact your friends on the inside and help them get out. please read AmyB's blog about what happened to one of her friends on the inside when Kimmer tried to use her to harm Amy.
As many are discovering who are posting for the first time in the FWK topic ducks do not eat kimkinettes and are very friendly to those who show up and are real folk not dropping in to slam ducks nor promote Kimkins.
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heidi diaz,
low carb diet,
low fat diet,
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Kimkins and Tax Time
just wanted to warn all former employees to carefully check their 1099s to be sure Kimmer didn't pad the amount she claims she paid you. This could be one spot she harms you one more time. Should you discover your 1099 is in error you should notify her and if you do not recieve a corrected 1099 in a timely manner report it with the IRS too.
my other blog
my other blog
Friday, February 29, 2008
Attention EWC Kimkin members
AmyB is looking for y'all so you can reunite in a support group. Amyb can be found on her new blog and in Camp. If you want to hook up in camp word has it just email TippyToes AKA jeannie baitinger at camp and the camp owners will wave your fees. So now is a great opertunity for you to reconnect with AmyB and move to a safe place to get help fixing your nutrtionally bankrupt plan with a healtheir low carb version
my other blog
my other blog
egg whites diet,
low carb diet,
Monday, February 25, 2008
Consumer Affairs reviews Kimkins and Kimmer
Just wanted to share with y'all the review of the kimkins diet and Kimmer They did a great job reviewing the orginal Woman's World article and the apology now. Several dieticians reviewed the diet in the consumer affairs article which makes on wonder even more about the strange wording of the WW apology.
my other blog
my other blog
fake weight,
low carb diet,
low fat diet,
scam diet,
Woman's World
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Pickles: The real reason Heidi took herself off the "watch us lose" roster
Excellant post about why Kimmeer took herself off the front of Anybody remembering the story about the 198 pound loss certainly would not be buying a membership from Kimmer as pointed out by Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Pickles: The real reason Heidi took herself off the "watch us lose" roster
fake weight,,
loss grillcheesewithpickles,
Woman's World
Monday, February 18, 2008
Frindly Fire on a Kimkins allie? I think NOT!
A blogger has accused the FKW ducks of friendly fire in her words "In recent days I have witnessed a case of friendly fire – the wounding of a person who was simply trying to lend aid to the cause of taking down Kimkins and Heidi Diaz in the only way they knew how. This person feared detection and so they attempted to communicate in a cryptic and at times a seemingly nonsensical fashion. All such attempts are met with a measure of skepticism initially. That is only prudent. After all, this is a tale of intrigue, deception, impersonation … The stakes are far too high to simply accept all newcomers claiming to hold one of the keys to this puzzle at face value. However, not only wisdom, but simple compassion dictates how we respond to such messengers, particularly in the public eye. Well meaning people can and have been hurt by the reckless disregard of some of those intent on seeing this fiasco to its conclusion. A basic tenet that I learned while training to be an emergency care provider would serve us well here … First, do no harm.In this particular case, a genuine and viable asset has likely been driven completely away. We must entertain the real possibility that this person does indeed have information that could have a major impact on the final outcome of this proceeding.To the individual who presented themselves recently as Martina’s Martini on the Fascination with Kimmer threads within the Low Carb Friends forum, I offer a sincere apology for any unfounded accusations that may have been leveled in your direction by some of those intensely focused on this particular quest. These are good people who, at times, get a bit caught up in the moment. But friendly fire, regardless of the intention, is never justified. We simply must stop the fratricide if we are to distinguish ourselves from those whom we oppose."
Having been there at the time the initial exchange with Martina’s Martini occurred I really have to question the validity of this accusation of friendly fire.
From low carb facination topic here is the actual exchange as posted Notice MM posted not once but twice without any other posts from any ducks or trolls.
which can be seen directly below that first one. and for the ones who say the topic was censored i was there and those were not and you can see them quoted later in the topic by folk seeing them.
finally a duck replies nothing insulting, nothing anything a normal person would judge to be friendly fire.
and MM comes back with
Having been there at the time the initial exchange with Martina’s Martini occurred I really have to question the validity of this accusation of friendly fire.
From low carb facination topic here is the actual exchange as posted Notice MM posted not once but twice without any other posts from any ducks or trolls.
not getting a reply MM posts another shot I lost 650 lbs on the magic chicken diet.
which can be seen directly below that first one. and for the ones who say the topic was censored i was there and those were not and you can see them quoted later in the topic by folk seeing them.
finally a duck replies nothing insulting, nothing anything a normal person would judge to be friendly fire.
and MM comes back with
Oh Forgot the DUCKS,
Quack you people....Quack......
so 3 posts in 8 min and the only fire MM incountered was doubt about the 650 pounds and an actual nice reply to the grassy knoll drive by posting.
Martina’s Martini is the one firing on ducks and when fire is returned Martina’s Martini continues to fire at the ducks.
To accuse the ducks of friendly fire based on the evidence is an insult to all members of LCFs.
my other blog
my other blog
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Women's World Apology for Kimkins lies
Well WW finally did it. They publish an apology for publishing Kimmers lies and now Wouter can no longer say in his articles kimkins has the backing of woman's world mag.
Even though it is 8 months late thank you Woman's World for stepping to the plate.
Another blogger felt the same way mariasol: Woman's World Apology
my other blog
Even though it is 8 months late thank you Woman's World for stepping to the plate.
Another blogger felt the same way mariasol: Woman's World Apology
my other blog
low fat diet,
scam diet,
weight loss,
Woman's World,
wouter van dyck
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Kimkins Worth $2,676.32? « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
A former kimkins affiliate has had a change of heart and is asking for help taking down and I thought i'd help all I can. Please take a moment to read her blog and see if you can help too Kimkins Worth $2,676.32? « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
my other blog
my other blog
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
when is Kimkins not Kimkins
i recently discovered thanks to a commenter who was pro that many kimkins dieters do not follow the plan simply because they do not understand the terminology Kimmer used and are actually comsuming more fat then she advised. This could account for those who say they are healthy and losing weight while following what they believe to be kimkins.
In the diet it clearly says lean protein
lean protein is defined as less then 3 grams of fat per ounce of food so a 4 ounce serving of protein will have at most 12 grams of fat in it.
When one is making a kimkins menu that means using the egg directions of 1 whole egg mixed with 2 whites and then have 4 ounces of lean ham as breakfast would have only 11 grams of fat .
add chicken breasts bonelss skinless to lunch and dinner and for the whole day I have 17 grams of fat. Since Kimmer was promoting the salad spritzers as dressing and they are fat free even adding a pat of butter to the pan to cook the eggs and not a spray of PAM my total fats for the day are just 21 grams.
This is why so many bloggers are asking the folk who are not following the plan (such as DANA in my comments section discussing the fats in her foods) to please call their healthy eating plan something other then kimkins. Cause as we all remember reading Kimmers posts if your tweak it ( don't use lean proteins) it isn't Kimkins.
In the diet it clearly says lean protein
lean protein is defined as less then 3 grams of fat per ounce of food so a 4 ounce serving of protein will have at most 12 grams of fat in it.
When one is making a kimkins menu that means using the egg directions of 1 whole egg mixed with 2 whites and then have 4 ounces of lean ham as breakfast would have only 11 grams of fat .
add chicken breasts bonelss skinless to lunch and dinner and for the whole day I have 17 grams of fat. Since Kimmer was promoting the salad spritzers as dressing and they are fat free even adding a pat of butter to the pan to cook the eggs and not a spray of PAM my total fats for the day are just 21 grams.
This is why so many bloggers are asking the folk who are not following the plan (such as DANA in my comments section discussing the fats in her foods) to please call their healthy eating plan something other then kimkins. Cause as we all remember reading Kimmers posts if your tweak it ( don't use lean proteins) it isn't Kimkins.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Message for all the I don't care folk
You’ve seen the pics, you’ve read the antikimmmer sites, you know the plan as written is nutritionally bankrupt but you say I don’t care. I'm losing weight and have friends on well this message is for you
Anyone who says they are following Kimmer's plan is supporting Kimmer's fraud. If you changed the plan, used your common sense to ignore the parts you didn't believe, but still say the Kimkins plan is working for you then you are doing all new to low carb folk searching for a weight loss plan a disservice cause they are seeing you and your expressed example of healthy weight loss bearing the Kimkins tag as an endorsement for that plan Kimmer has posted on and is listed in the Kimkins topics elsewhere.
For all the former members who had blogs promoting Kimkins still up, affiliates with banners still flying. authors of articles still circulating the net, folk in the Kimkins.comnewletters you are still a billboard for and you are steering by your own actions others to Kimmer.
Here is a great exchange of emails between Amy and Jill on the subject in case I'm not being clear about it. I Hate Confrontation « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
The same thing can be said for using for support and friendship in your weight loss journey even if you think Kimmer is a fraud. By being on your support for the plan as written by Kimmer, the information provided by Kimmerher, and the actions of the management of owned by Kimmer is implied by your membership. There can be no I don’t believe Kimmer, I don’t use Kimmer's plan I just use Kimmer's cause I got friends there. Replace the word Kimmer with any hate group name and see if you’d use that same logic to belong.I think you have higher values and ethics then to support a fraud. Leave and take your friends with you to another Low carb support site. Many refugees are getting the support and help they need in healing their metabolism on Jimmy Moore’s site and on LCFs check them out
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hidden Dangers of Kimkins
I've blogged about the missing nutrients in the plan as written by Kimmer, but this dangerous diet and kimkins website have another dangerous effect not visible to the immediate view of a reader who has purchased a membership in from Kimmer in hopes of reaching their ideal weight as fast as possible.
Several bloggers have posted very powerful pages about this issue. Thank you Medusa, Kimorexia, BamaGal, Marisol, Honeybee and all the others who posts I might have missed
The message about and eating disorders is not to be missed.
kimkins and kimkins.con eating disorders on Medusa's blog
kimkins eating disorder help on Kimorexia's blog
Psychological consequences of food restriction from pinch of blog adresses Kimkins EDs
Kimkins Diet- “Watch What You Eat When on Kimkins” Reads the Marketing, But Does Watching become An Obsession? « HoneyBee’s Blog#comment-1031
Back across the lin addresses the cult mentality of kimkins
another kimkins discussion about EDs, and another kimkins eating disorders blog post
Several bloggers have posted very powerful pages about this issue. Thank you Medusa, Kimorexia, BamaGal, Marisol, Honeybee and all the others who posts I might have missed
The message about and eating disorders is not to be missed.
kimkins and kimkins.con eating disorders on Medusa's blog
kimkins eating disorder help on Kimorexia's blog
Psychological consequences of food restriction from pinch of blog adresses Kimkins EDs
Kimkins Diet- “Watch What You Eat When on Kimkins” Reads the Marketing, But Does Watching become An Obsession? « HoneyBee’s Blog#comment-1031
Back across the lin addresses the cult mentality of kimkins
another kimkins discussion about EDs, and another kimkins eating disorders blog post
Battling Kimkins is like fighting a forest fire
I've seen some folk getting upset because all the visible efforts against Kimmer they see are pointed towards the lawsuit against Kimmer et el regardless of what new information shows up. I've seen a few posts about ignoring the elephant in the room too but, I wanted to make this analysis for them and others thinking the same thought.
there are many, many folk working hard outside the lawsuit to stop the affiliate marketers, to convert the kimkins bloggers, and to inform the masses searching for kimkins info about the dangers of the plan being sold on by
Kimmer . There are many digging up articles that are really ads for and contacting the hosting sites to get those removed. There are even folk working to make the search engines not find pro kimkins sites first.
The battle with the kimpire is like a giant forest fire being fought on all sides. Yes the planes dropping the chemicals and water get all the news coverage because it is spectacular just as the million dollar class action lawsuit against Kimmer and is, but there are groups of folk back lighting fires to stop the spread in other areas by digging up facts on Kimmer like the new house, the fake plumbing company, and looking for Kimmer 's new other site. At the same time there are individuals and groups of folk checking on hot spots to keep them from reigniting by rechecking the old found blog and article sites and making sure they are still 404 errors and page not found. There are crews on the ground beating out the flames of the kimpire as best they can contacting sites and recruiting other caring folk to do likewise to remove those fraudulent articles from where search engines will find them and misinform new to the weight loss Internet sites. All work is helping even if it isn’t visible to all. Some are caring for those caught in the fire and needing to be educated on the dangers of the plan they are doing and shown a new eating plan and forum to join like the stubbord home owner refusing to be evacuated from a fire zone cause it is their home, Some are quietly clearing the brush from the zone so there isn't any thing for the fire to feed on by influencing the search engines to report the antikimkins pages first. And still others are in the fire towers quietly going about their business watching and filling out paperwork reporting all suspicious sites to the IC3 clearing house for federal and state investigators to see.
Yes some times we have to ignore past deeds of some in order to accomplish a bigger goal, but even forest fires have prison crews working for the better good of the whole community. Nobody has been granted immunity from any criminal prosecution. John has agreed not to sue some folk for their cooperation, but that does not grant them immunity from any federal nor state crimes they may have committed during their time as a part of
All fronts are being attacked vigorously right now even if you can't see it. Very few post in the facination topic, nor the other forums yipppeee so and so's blog is down or such and such article is no longer on Enzine but it is happening all over the net little by little keeping fuel away from the reaches of and Kimmer
Please folk don’t give up on this battle because you feel other folk are not fighting it the way you want them too. I know you are weary, but just think how much more weary Kimmer is cause in numbers we have strength and are hitting Kimmer hard all over. As Kimmer said in her legal papers filed just this week Kimmer couldn’t do the big Jan advertising campaign cause Kimmer 's funds were locked up by the lawsuit. Score one for our side. Now to keep the Kimmer funds locked up we and I mean everyone who isn’t on Kimmer ’s side needs to join the lawsuit if they bought a membership on from Kimmer because if it gets certified class action, which it hasn’t yet, then there is reason for the judge to keep those funds locked up to pay off the whole class. Without class status there will be no legal reason for the Judge to keep all Kimmer 's money tied up to pay the class and with those millions Kimmer will be able to do anything she wants in her new scheme until once again she is outed. If you are wondering what you can do to help here is a great place to start What Can I DO To Help? « Say “NO” to Kimkins
here is an example of the different a few of the fronts on which the battle against Kimmer is being fought. All 3 bloggers committed to stopping the spread of the kimkins.comdiet and Kimmer 's scamming but each in a different manner
Grill cheesesandwich with pickles page full of links to educational kimkins blogs
The Say No to kimkins page full of links to taking action about reporting the kimkins and Kimmer crime
my own about the nutrition of the kimkins diet
and for those of you wondering why you should still bother read Honeybee's post about
or Kimerexia's reasosn to still be mad about kimkins
and finally join the battle in a very to do easy step by step explained manner here
Take Down Kimkins Contest–Day 1 « Kimkins Scam
there are many, many folk working hard outside the lawsuit to stop the affiliate marketers, to convert the kimkins bloggers, and to inform the masses searching for kimkins info about the dangers of the plan being sold on by
Kimmer . There are many digging up articles that are really ads for and contacting the hosting sites to get those removed. There are even folk working to make the search engines not find pro kimkins sites first.
The battle with the kimpire is like a giant forest fire being fought on all sides. Yes the planes dropping the chemicals and water get all the news coverage because it is spectacular just as the million dollar class action lawsuit against Kimmer and is, but there are groups of folk back lighting fires to stop the spread in other areas by digging up facts on Kimmer like the new house, the fake plumbing company, and looking for Kimmer 's new other site. At the same time there are individuals and groups of folk checking on hot spots to keep them from reigniting by rechecking the old found blog and article sites and making sure they are still 404 errors and page not found. There are crews on the ground beating out the flames of the kimpire as best they can contacting sites and recruiting other caring folk to do likewise to remove those fraudulent articles from where search engines will find them and misinform new to the weight loss Internet sites. All work is helping even if it isn’t visible to all. Some are caring for those caught in the fire and needing to be educated on the dangers of the plan they are doing and shown a new eating plan and forum to join like the stubbord home owner refusing to be evacuated from a fire zone cause it is their home, Some are quietly clearing the brush from the zone so there isn't any thing for the fire to feed on by influencing the search engines to report the antikimkins pages first. And still others are in the fire towers quietly going about their business watching and filling out paperwork reporting all suspicious sites to the IC3 clearing house for federal and state investigators to see.
Yes some times we have to ignore past deeds of some in order to accomplish a bigger goal, but even forest fires have prison crews working for the better good of the whole community. Nobody has been granted immunity from any criminal prosecution. John has agreed not to sue some folk for their cooperation, but that does not grant them immunity from any federal nor state crimes they may have committed during their time as a part of
All fronts are being attacked vigorously right now even if you can't see it. Very few post in the facination topic, nor the other forums yipppeee so and so's blog is down or such and such article is no longer on Enzine but it is happening all over the net little by little keeping fuel away from the reaches of and Kimmer
Please folk don’t give up on this battle because you feel other folk are not fighting it the way you want them too. I know you are weary, but just think how much more weary Kimmer is cause in numbers we have strength and are hitting Kimmer hard all over. As Kimmer said in her legal papers filed just this week Kimmer couldn’t do the big Jan advertising campaign cause Kimmer 's funds were locked up by the lawsuit. Score one for our side. Now to keep the Kimmer funds locked up we and I mean everyone who isn’t on Kimmer ’s side needs to join the lawsuit if they bought a membership on from Kimmer because if it gets certified class action, which it hasn’t yet, then there is reason for the judge to keep those funds locked up to pay off the whole class. Without class status there will be no legal reason for the Judge to keep all Kimmer 's money tied up to pay the class and with those millions Kimmer will be able to do anything she wants in her new scheme until once again she is outed. If you are wondering what you can do to help here is a great place to start What Can I DO To Help? « Say “NO” to Kimkins
here is an example of the different a few of the fronts on which the battle against Kimmer is being fought. All 3 bloggers committed to stopping the spread of the kimkins.comdiet and Kimmer 's scamming but each in a different manner
Grill cheesesandwich with pickles page full of links to educational kimkins blogs
The Say No to kimkins page full of links to taking action about reporting the kimkins and Kimmer crime
my own about the nutrition of the kimkins diet
and for those of you wondering why you should still bother read Honeybee's post about
or Kimerexia's reasosn to still be mad about kimkins
and finally join the battle in a very to do easy step by step explained manner here
Take Down Kimkins Contest–Day 1 « Kimkins Scam
Kimkins Miracles Do Happen
Honey bee has written a great article about the spamming of the internet by Wouter and his Miracles do Happen sales article for selling and helping Kimmer spread the lies.
Please read it here “Kimkins Miracles Do Happen”- Reads The Affiliate Marketing Article for « HoneyBee’s Blog
message for Wouter here too
Thanks for Playing Slamboard « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
And there is a follow article Spread The Word, Wouter Can You Hear Me? « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
Martin has a post on slam board about an email exchange with Wouter Van Vyck the auther of these articles and everywhere you find one of those spam articles please take the time to write a commnet, file an IC3 complaint about it, and contact the site owners about the fraud of done by Kimmer with her fake weight loss the 35 fake sucess stories with the stolen bride and groom pics, and the dangerous diet advice. Maybe they will see the light as the enzine did and remove them.
2big4mysize's blog/
my other blog
Honey bee has written a great article about the spamming of the internet by Wouter and his Miracles do Happen sales article for selling and helping Kimmer spread the lies.
Please read it here “Kimkins Miracles Do Happen”- Reads The Affiliate Marketing Article for « HoneyBee’s Blog
message for Wouter here too
Thanks for Playing Slamboard « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
And there is a follow article Spread The Word, Wouter Can You Hear Me? « Kimkins And Other Affiliate Marketing Nightmares
Martin has a post on slam board about an email exchange with Wouter Van Vyck the auther of these articles and everywhere you find one of those spam articles please take the time to write a commnet, file an IC3 complaint about it, and contact the site owners about the fraud of done by Kimmer with her fake weight loss the 35 fake sucess stories with the stolen bride and groom pics, and the dangerous diet advice. Maybe they will see the light as the enzine did and remove them.
2big4mysize's blog/
my other blog
low carb diet,
low fat diet,
weight loose,
weight loss,
Wouter Van Dyke
Friday, January 11, 2008
Push Kimmer's Buttons
I wrote about this 2big4mysize’s Weblog and thought I'd share it here
Kimmer has pushed your buttons long enough. Now it is time to push her buttons!
Pissed off about the scam kimmer ran on but never bought a membership so you can't be part of the lawsuit? I know y'all want to do more then just sign the petiion and blog about the dangerous nutrtionally bankrupt diet sold on by Kimmer
Honeybee2 has found a great site for us to use. IC3 thanks Honeybee2.
Please go there and file a complaint about and the fraudulant marketing tactics and dangerous diet advice Kimmer has been passing out on and on her Kimkins review site.
if everybody steps up to the plate and files a complaint then the federal governemnt will have to step in and take actions against and Kimmer.
Please all it takes for evil to prevail is the silence of a few good people. Push Kimmer's buttons! Kimmer had pushed yours long enough. Don't let your silence allow and Kimmer to make more pages on Kimkins survivor's blog.
Pissed off and you paid for a membership to ?
Then push Kimmer's buttons and join the lawsuit.
it is very easy
all you have to do is
1) click this
2)download the forms
3) print them out,
4)get your siggy notarized
5)mail it back.
Easy isn't it. you don't have to go to court nor testify against Kimmer. So are you willing to join, or are you going to let Kimmer keep that $2,000,000+ dollars she scammed you and all the other members out of. Or even worse create even more victims for kimkins survivors.
Enjoy your button pushing. you deserve it
Kimmer has pushed your buttons long enough. Now it is time to push her buttons!
Pissed off about the scam kimmer ran on but never bought a membership so you can't be part of the lawsuit? I know y'all want to do more then just sign the petiion and blog about the dangerous nutrtionally bankrupt diet sold on by Kimmer
Honeybee2 has found a great site for us to use. IC3 thanks Honeybee2.
Please go there and file a complaint about and the fraudulant marketing tactics and dangerous diet advice Kimmer has been passing out on and on her Kimkins review site.
if everybody steps up to the plate and files a complaint then the federal governemnt will have to step in and take actions against and Kimmer.
Please all it takes for evil to prevail is the silence of a few good people. Push Kimmer's buttons! Kimmer had pushed yours long enough. Don't let your silence allow and Kimmer to make more pages on Kimkins survivor's blog.
Pissed off and you paid for a membership to ?
Then push Kimmer's buttons and join the lawsuit.
it is very easy
all you have to do is
1) click this
2)download the forms
3) print them out,
4)get your siggy notarized
5)mail it back.
Easy isn't it. you don't have to go to court nor testify against Kimmer. So are you willing to join, or are you going to let Kimmer keep that $2,000,000+ dollars she scammed you and all the other members out of. Or even worse create even more victims for kimkins survivors.
Enjoy your button pushing. you deserve it
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