Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hidden Dangers of Kimkins

I've blogged about the missing nutrients in the plan as written by Kimmer, but this dangerous diet and kimkins website have another dangerous effect not visible to the immediate view of a reader who has purchased a membership in from Kimmer in hopes of reaching their ideal weight as fast as possible.

Several bloggers have posted very powerful pages about this issue. Thank you Medusa, Kimorexia, BamaGal, Marisol, Honeybee and all the others who posts I might have missed
The message about and eating disorders is not to be missed.
kimkins and kimkins.con eating disorders on Medusa's blog
kimkins eating disorder help on Kimorexia's blog

Psychological consequences of food restriction from pinch of blog adresses Kimkins EDs
Kimkins Diet- “Watch What You Eat When on Kimkins” Reads the Marketing, But Does Watching become An Obsession? « HoneyBee’s Blog#comment-1031

Back across the lin addresses the cult mentality of kimkins

another kimkins discussion about EDs, and another kimkins eating disorders blog post




1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

I love when you call it Kimkins.con. How fitting!